Post con il tag: "(growth)"

Do Not Remove Power from God
English Blog · 04. marzo 2021
When did it happen that Power and Intelligence were taken away from God and it became only Love? Love does not solve everything. What we love we nurture. Is there anyone who loves injustice? Or maybe corruption?
Giorno della Memoria. La Lezione che Non Abbiamo Imparato dall'Olocausto
Blog Italiano · 27. gennaio 2021
La Giornata internazionale per ricordare le vittime dell'Olocausto si concentra molto sul ricordare la sofferenza, per non dimenticare che dobbiamo rispettare gli altri. Che non dobbiamo prevaricarli imponendo le nostre ragioni. Ma questo non sta succedendo, ancora adesso. Il separatismo è così forte, anche nelle piccole cose. Inoltre, c'è una lezione importante che penso abbiamo perso, dal punto di vista della responsabilità delle vittime ...

Memorial Day. The Lesson We Lost in Holocaust
English Blog · 27. gennaio 2021
The International day to remember the victims of the Holocaust focuses much on remembering the suffering, to do not forget that we have to respect others. That we do not have to prevaricate imposing our reasons on others. But it is not happening still now. Separatism is so strong, even in small things. Plus, there is an important lesson I think we lost, that is from the perspective of the victims' responsibility...
English Blog · 24. giugno 2020
After I have overcome the unthinkable, 9 years ago, I had a vision: Europe resting on a crystal floor, under which an emotional magma was ready to explode. Then violence, emotional explosion, chaos. Plus the ANTIDOTE. Please do it together!

English Blog · 04. agosto 2018
Did you ever tried the Inner Child's Week? or the Intuitive Travel? and what about Overcoming One Limit? Here WHY and HOW to make your vacations an unforgettable experience.
English Blog · 26. giugno 2018
Do you want earn more, lowering costs? Be you the 1st, investing on priorities, before needs decide for you. Why do wealthy and successful people need higher consciousness and ICHC?