After I have overcome the unthinkable, 9 years ago, I had a vision: Europe resting on a crystal floor, under which an emotional magma was ready to explode. Then violence, emotional explosion, chaos. Plus the ANTIDOTE. Please do it together!
Come e perché la nuova Scienza Scienza Energetica aiuterà i leader avanzati ad accedere a pià alti livelli di coscienza massimizzando il loro potenziale per aiutare l'umanità a fare il salto quantico necessario ad entrare nella nuova era. Farlo è più facile di quanto si possa immaginare.
How Energy Science will help advanced leaders on access to higher level of consciousness maximizing their potential to help humanity in making the quantum leap needed to enter in the new than oy Era. More easy to do than you can imagine.
Forgiveness is one of the keys to go to the future. But if the pain is deep we need time. Here are one strategy and one technique that I already tested, to naturally forgive, being free from that pain and tension, and feeling good.