I think today is the right time to share my story with you and what I have learned from it.
No To Violence Against Women, but more precisely, No To Violence Against Anyone!
"During my first long, intuitive solo trip to Europe, it was summer 2014, when I arrived in Paris I suffered an attack. It was the centenary of the beginning of the First World War, 14 July 1914, and also the anniversary of the Federation, although considered by all to be the anniversary of the seizure of the Bastille ...
Come e perché la nuova Scienza Scienza Energetica aiuterà i leader avanzati ad accedere a pià alti livelli di coscienza massimizzando il loro potenziale per aiutare l'umanità a fare il salto quantico necessario ad entrare nella nuova era. Farlo è più facile di quanto si possa immaginare.
How Energy Science will help advanced leaders on access to higher level of consciousness maximizing their potential to help humanity in making the quantum leap needed to enter in the new than oy Era. More easy to do than you can imagine.